President Trump vs. SNL

What and what doesn’t count as free speech? When mocking the President of the United States should action be taken? These are the types of questions many, including President Donald Trump himself are starting to ask.

The popular late night show “Saturday Night Live” is known for making political statements and causing upset across the board of entertainment. SNL pushes the envelope by making remarks and spreading “fake news” although many people find it humorous, Trump took to twitter saying this..

For those of you who don’t know what happened on the latest episode of SNL, here is a run down. It may have been the show’s cold open that initially had Trump so upset. Alec Baldwin, who impersonated Trump during this broadcast, made some remarks that had some laughing and others upset over the disrespect that was shown towards the Government Shutdown and Trump’s reasons as to why he declared a National Emergency.

So the real question is, can something be done to stop this behavior on National Television?

Well it wouldn’t be the first time that a GOP president used his powers to silence comedic criticism. WTVA reported that “In 1969, the liberal-leaning CBS comedy show "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour" mocked then-President Richard Nixon to the point where the comedic duo made it onto Nixon's "enemies list." Nixon then used his well-placed allies in the ranks of CBS executives, including CBS programming chief Robert D. Wood, to get the show canceled.”

Many viewers are asking if it is even legal for the President to get SNL in trouble for what was portrayed during the broadcast, claiming that it would be a violation of their Constitutional Rights and First Amendment to punish them for what they are doing. From what we have learned in Media Law and Literacy, the definition that was brought to my attention was Subsequent Punishment. This can be defined as: when the government punishes you from speaking or writing after the fact.  Meaning the threat that President Trump is making is not entirely inaccurate

So now we wait and see what President Trump decides to do.
