
The Dictionary definition of Propaganda is “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.” Basically, propaganda is biased or misleading information that is circulated among mass media with the intent to promote and influence people’s ideas and opinions to believe in either a political agenda or viewpoint. Propaganda is effective because it taps into people's emotions through images and slogans. Usually if Propaganda is being used by the Government, then even the media that displays the propaganda can be censored. So what is the difference between propaganda and just spread information? Propaganda has intent and motive behind it, usually organized and funded. Propaganda also can have a sinister connotation associated to it but that is not always the case with propaganda. Think of Rosie the Riveter and her slogan “We can do it!” This is an excellent use of Propaganda, it was used as a way to encourage women to get involved in the working industry and step up to take the jobs of the men who were fighting.
Another example of Propaganda would be Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam was used to recruit people to fight during World War I.
Propaganda has also been tied to fake news. It has helped to spread false information or lead people to believe things that are biased. This can help contribute to the fake news of past Presidents and political leaders. Overall, Propaganda has been used all over the world for good or bad. One thing is for sure. It will never truly disappear and will always have a significant role in our political leaders campaigns, wars, and issues.
