Technology or my Biggest Fear...

Technology is a fast changing and constantly unpredictable product. There are so many different softwares, websites, apps, programs, and social media pages that keep our world so consumed with such a tiny screen. Being a 20-year-old young woman, I will admit that I am a huge fan of the fast changing world of technology. I find myself purchasing the newest phones, headphones, and computers whenever I can. What I have failed to realize is the huge price that comes along with being in the ‘technology generation’.

Apple has recently released that there was a ‘bug’ that allowed users to hear other people's conversations and access their camera, while being completely unnoticed all through the Facetime feature on Apple’s iPhones. This is a huge breach of privacy and an even bigger safety concern for everyone that uses the iPhone. Personally speaking, the announcement of this ‘bug’ made me feel extremely unsafe.

I have noticed on my phone that if I hold it up to my ear at times I can hear a faint static sound coming from within the microphone and I cannot tell you the amount of creepy phone calls and random text messages I have experienced just within the first week of Apple releasing this information.

People joke about your phones always listening to you, but what if someone really is listening to you at all times? I can’t even begin to tell you about the amount of times I have been talking about a restaurant, product, clothing line, or shoe brand and the next day my phone shows me at least three ads all related to one of those products that I was talking about. When do we stop making excuses for why and how these ads, creepy spying, random phone calls, and strange messages are popping up and instead start asking serious questions?
