
Have you ever wondered how or why some things get published for the world to see and others do not? This is all because of a theory called gatekeeping.

Gatekeeping literally means exactly what it says. “ It’s nothing but to block unwanted or useless things by using a gate” or in our case a theoretical gate. The gatekeeper, or in the world of communication and media may also be known as the editor, plays a vital role into what information you are actually able to see. “Through this process the unwanted, sensible and controversial information’s are removed by the gatekeeper which helps to control the society or a group and letting them in a right path or to help keep a positive reputation.

Think about it this way, an international news station has a list of stories that have been sent in to be aired on television. These stories include a terrorist attack, political issues in India, and a Texas bull riding incident. This news station cannot publish all three stories. Obviously if they publish a story on Texas bull riding and not focus on international issues then they may actually lose credit and their reputation.

How this affect you?
If you think about it the Gatekeeper is basically telling you the information that want you to see and hear. You may not always be getting the full story.

 It is Important to realize is that gatekeepers are able to control the public’s knowledge of the actual events. This is because they are able to let some stories pass through the system and keeping other stories out.  Gatekeeping does not just take place in media/communication either. For example,  “in a political system individuals or institutions which control access to positions of power can regulate the flow of information and political influence.” Gatekeepers are coloring a picture in the minds of society about how exactly they want you to view the world.

However, Gatekeeping is not all bad. It is vital in communication planning. Gatekeeping is usually based off of a series or organizational structure and policies. It is not just a pick and choose situation. Gatekeepers are here to protect their organization and reputation. Although, If used incorrectly it can lead to an abuse of power by deciding what information to remove and what information to keep.

How can we relate this to what is happening today?
Yemen Saudia Arabia has been slowly destroying Yemen and killing thousands of people... what many of us do not know is that we are funding this terrible war. Congress finally passed a law saying we will no longer fund this war. What has sparked controversy is that we have been funding this war for years and most American's had no clue because our media chose not to share it. This is an example of Gatekeeping. Certain information has not been shared with the public due to the probability that most people would disagree with the funding.
