My News Intake

        In a fast pace, ever changing society, I find it extremely difficult to use only one platform to receive my daily news. I tend to browse the television channels, check several apps, and subscribe to emails to ensure that I am getting the most up to date, and accurate news. Check out my personal favorite top five sources and why I love using them!
Have you ever wanted to receive your important daily news without having to watch a two hour broadcast? Then this is the site for you. I became a “skimm’r” about four years ago as a way to receive information for pageant interviews. I am constantly on the go, so this daily newsletter sent to you via email is the perfect substitute for me. also allows you to read news in a conversational manner, making it easier to comprehend. As you scroll, you will be offered a variety of information related to politics, economics, pop news, and even a quote of the day.

Good Morning America
Maybe it’s nostalgia or maybe because this Morning News Show is my dream job, but Good Morning America is my go-to news broadcasting show. The moment I wake up, I immediately turn my television on and listen to the chatter of the anchors as I get ready. Even if I am not physically watching it, I am able to hear all the information that I need to stay up to date with my daily news. GMA focuses on news all across the globe, but they make sure to hit on lighter topics as well. GMA will go from speaking about an intense political debate over seas to a softer story related to someone doing good in the community. 
Similar to theSkimm, Morning Brew focuses on giving you the most relevant news stories in a very quick and easy to understand format. This daily email is a business based news platform that includes updated stock market informations, “What’s New in technology”, and sometimes even information on the latest rise or fall of a business. Since it is a daily email, I am getting the most up to date information in a very simple format.

Whether it is through the app, on television, or on their website, E- News is a platform that I find myself checking almost everyday. While this site does not usually report on current events that are relevant to our society, they do tend to touch on the celebrity aspect. Like most girls, keeping up with our favorite celebrities is one of my favorite things to do, but this news outlet offers a variety of information that I find to be refreshing, and beneficial. E-News will report on the lives, fashion, and updates on all things celebrities. Although some people see E News as not being a “news” source, it is a way for people who are interested in Pop Culture to get an idea and stay up to date on all things celebrity based.

Fox News
Like most people I do tend to check a more “reliable” outlet for all news as well. I never rely solely on one site to give me the information I need, instead I am constantly researching and grabbing at other sites to make sure I am getting the most accurate information. Personally, I use the Fox News app to get information and alerts immediately. This way of receiving information is personally better for my very busy schedule.
