Try interacting with someone without clicking the "like" button. (Personal Story)

Today I had a face to face conversation with a complete stranger.
She asked genuine questions, appropriately responded to my answers, and became
interested in what I was saying. She was not distracted by her cellphone, she didn’t brush me off or
pretend to be in a rush, instead she actually stood still and spoke to me.

Now you may be asking, “What is the big deal, you had a normal conversation?”

But this was a rare occurrence to me.

I have been working in retail since sophomore year of High School, I am constantly in a position to speak to random strangers, and even with my best efforts to make small talk, this is the first time that someone has ignored all distractions, including her ringing cell phone to continue on with our conversation. She made it a point to remember my name and use it in conversation. She asked about my future ambitions, joked about me being tall enough to model, and even complimented me on my ability to "sell anything". She told me about her grandsons and how well they are doing in college or how successful they have become within their career field.

After about a thirty minute conversation, she promised she would come back next week to talk to me.

In today’s society, people are always so caught up in what is happening on their phones that they rarely notice what is happening in the world around them... I will be completely honest, I am guilty of this. I sometimes avoid conversation with strangers and for what reason?

Personally, I think my generation is just so used to their entire life being displayed through a tiny computer in their hand that they forget about true genuine conversations. We are all constantly updating our statuses, posting new pictures, and showing the world our best self. Now don't get me wrong I am not saying that social media is a bad thing. I use Instagram and Facebook as a way to broadcast my blogs and market my personal brand to the world. I just think we forget to stop and actually live in the moment.

So, Mrs. Micky if for some reason you ever stumble upon my blog, just know that our short thirty minute conversation made quite an impact on me and I cannot wait to talk to you again.
