The Netflix of Gaming

At the Gamers Development Conference in San Francisco, CA Google has announced the next biggest
thing in gaming.

Nicknamed “A Game Platform for Everyone” by Google’s CEO. The attention grabbing factor is the ability to stream high-tech video games through any sort of device operating on Google Chrome, such as a tablet, laptop, cell-phone, or television. This means there will be no need for PC’s or other types of expensive gaming equipment. This gaming system names “Stadia” is breaking down the barriers of gaming. Google VP and General Manager, Phil Harrison said that they want to pull away from the limitations of gaming and make it accessible to everyone.

But Google is still facing some competition. Microsoft and Amazon, two leading companies in the gaming market, are also working on developing a gaming system similar to Stadia.

Now comes the question of how will Google make money off of this. Will they ask gamers to buy into a subscription similar to Netflix or will it be a one time payment. Another hot question is how will game companies decide on streaming their games live? Will they risk opting out of individual gaming proceeds to be apart of this new technology?
