Wage Gap?

Cambridge Dictionary defines Gender Wage Gap as the difference between the amounts of money paid to women and men, often for doing the same work. In other words, women all over the world are not being properly compensated for their hours, commitment, dedication, and success. As women, we are still being held back from reaching our highest potential because of the lack of understanding and adaptability of the world around us. In fact, over the past few years the gender wage gap has actually increased rather than decreased.There are many controversies over if the Gender Wage Gap actually exists and to what extent. My goal is to further explain and explore the commonly debated issues like discrimination and family goals

Women in the workforce who are also mothers or soon-to-be mothers experience an additional disadvantage compared to women who are not mothers. This includes a per-child wage penalty, otherwise known as the “motherhood penalty”. This penalty has been said to account for a significant proportion of the gender pay gap.According to the Harvard Kennedy School: Women and Public Policy Program, employers are actually holding mothers more accountable for punctuality compared to non-mothers and fathers.

More than 40 percent of the gender wage gap is “unexplained,” meaning that there is no obvious measurable reason for a difference in pay...Although it is still not completely explained or understood, the Wage Gap still takes a toll on women all over the world. As a society, we need to look past the gender stereotypes, outright sexism, and unexplained reasonings behind the gender wage gap and instead focus on how we can eliminate the gap altogether.
